are there geographies?

artistic practice and geographical researches

triennale di milano

opening hours 6,30 pm
19th november, 2014

Are there Geographies?
A study on the relationship between artistic practice and sense of place.

The conference, organized by Alessandro Castiglioni, collects different studies, both artistic and curatorial share a particular interest in places, understood as nodal points where measurements and experiences coming into the dialogue. Through the tools of cultural anthropology, art research and publishing, the invited speakers will share with the audience their own projects with the aim of highlighting a specific practice. The starting point will be the text Isolario, geographical notes on the work of Barbara De Ponti published in 2014 by Postemdiabooks, and point of reflection for the day of study.


Alessandro Castiglioni
An atlas of maps subjective

Barbara De Ponti
Isolario: a comparison of research dedicated to the Planetarium and former Milan Civic Aquarium of Rome

Slobodne Veze, Natasha and Ivana Bodrosic Meštrov
Art in Balcans

Rita Canarezza e Pier Paolo Coro
Listen to the Sirens

Una Szeemann

November 19, 2014
Duration Of the conference:
2 hours - interventions speakers
20/30 min - debate with public

Triennale di Milano 
Viale Alemagna, 6, 20121. Milano.
T. +39.02.724341